The Baader Glockenbach fits harmoniously into its background. The classic, timeless architecture of the prestigious firm of architects “Hilmer Sattler Architekten Ahlers Albrecht” is a commitment to architectural history. The dialogue between developers and designers has resulted in a concept that combines progress in town planning and the demanding criteria of first class modern living.
"The unique quality of our building in the Baaderstraße stems from the following aspects:
it blends into the old city character of the Glockenbach quarter through its slightly curved mass, its height and the rhythm of its facade with differing window forms and oriels. At the same time, it has unmistakable architectural characteristics, such as the rounded off corner at the junction of Baaderstraße and Ickstattstraße, the winter garden style oriels or the method, by which the window openings and terraces of the roof apartments are integrated in the form of the roof. The light-coloured clinker façade is also unusual for a residential building in this district and reminds one of the nearby St. Maximilian Church.
The building reflects the basic change in design over the years, in other words the recognition of past town and building tradition combined with radical acceptance of the future possibilities of architecture in a changing society. An in-between approach."
Munich, 20.12.2017
Christoph Sattler, architect